Friday, June 20, 2008

One of those days (or mornings)

Well it's 3:45 am, FRI. We are suppose to get up in about an hour and a half to leave for Fl. Good thing I'm not drivin'. I just finished putting together photo albums for Hope's four sisters and Aubrey (Alan's brother). They have copies of a lot of Hope's pics from over the years. Alan and I thought it would be a nice gift for the family. The albums also include a DVD of the memorial slide show. It was a lot of work, but totally worth it. The albums came out really pretty. they are moss green and covered in handmade paper. There is a place on the front for Hope's pic and I ran a beautiful floral ribbon up the spine and tied bow at the top. The colors reminded me of Hope. As soon as I can figure out how to down/up- load pics I'll post a pic of the albums.

Gotta finish cleaning up the scrap-book stuff and take a nap. I'll post again when we get back from Fl.

Nighty-night. or nappy-nap. or whatever.

1 comment:

Blaise said...

Geez Tina! You stayed up all night doing all of that? You poor thing. Alan has to love you for this.

My sympathies to all of the family. *hugs*
