Thursday, June 12, 2008

So I am in Fl...

I am in Fl on family biz. My husband's Mother is passing away. Alan (my dh), wanted to spend these last days on earth with her. Kind of a sad way to start a blog, isn't it? Not really. We believe in eternal life. We believe that this mortal life is but a stage or step in the eternal scheme of things.

This is a quote from our church's web site. I felt like I couldn't sum it up any better.

"From an earthly perspective, physical death? may seem like an end, though it is really a step forward in Heavenly Father’s plan. At the time of physical death, your spirit will leave your body and go to the spirit world?, where you will continue to learn and progress. In the spirit world, your memories of this life and the knowledge you have gained on Earth will remain with you.
Death will not change your personality or your desire for good or evil. If you choose to follow Jesus Christ during your life on Earth, you will be at peace in the spirit world. Those who choose not to follow Christ and do not repent will be unhappy.
Heavenly Father knew that many of His children would never have an opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ during their lives and that others would choose not to follow Him. Because He loves His children and is just, God provided a way for those in the spirit world to learn about His plan, have faith in Jesus Christ, and repent. Those who choose to accept and follow Jesus Christ will have peace and rest.
Sometime after your death, your spirit and your body will be reunited—never to be separated again. This reuniting is called resurrection?, and it was made possible by the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. You will remain in the spirit world until you are resurrected."

You can learn more by linking on the link below. We call it the Plan of Salvation.

Hope (my mil) is one of the most incredible women I know. She endured a lot and her testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ never wavered. I hope I can be as strong as she is.

1 comment:

wilkinson family said...

ah tina, i think you are. we all go through trials thinking how will we survive it, but we do with faith and you have shown that alot.
love ya